Swedreward is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) platform designed to provide a fun and modern experience for users who want to earn extra money online.

Absolutely! Advertisers collaborate with us to increase app usage or gather market research in specific regions. Users have full control over which offers they choose to engage with. They can earn rewards by completing surveys, reaching milestones in games, or downloading and testing apps.

To begin using Swedreward, just click the "Sign Up" button at the top of our homepage. Ensure you enter accurate details and a valid email address.

Users are not allowed to create multiple accounts, as this violates our terms of service. We have advanced security measures to detect rule violations, which can lead to a permanent ban. Only one account is permitted per household IP address.

Users are prohibited from using VPNs or Proxy software. This violates our terms of service, and we have advanced security systems to detect such activities. Violations will lead to a permanent ban.

Your account balance is negative due to one or more chargebacks from an offerwall. Chargebacks occur when rules are violated or low-quality responses are provided in surveys. As a result, the chargeback amount is deducted from your account balance.

Offers exceeding 3,000 coins are held for 30 days to prevent chargebacks. Early release may be possible if users provide adequate proof to our support team.

Swedreward is a secure platform. We partner only with trusted, approved offerwalls that have been thoroughly tested and vetted. Survey information is anonymized by providers, ensuring your data is used solely for research purposes.

Some offers may require a purchase to complete, which usually results in higher rewards. However, you can always choose free offers to earn money on our platform without spending anything.

Changing the email address linked to an account is not permitted for security purposes once the account has been created.